
Malaysia Leading Property Academy


Vince Academy is property investment & management educational platform established in 2017. Our course anchors on nurturing versatile real estate investors; ensuring growth and sustainability throughout their investment journey.

Vince Academy’s signature course offers an extensive pool of knowledge to allow individual to embark on their real estate journey. Besides that, Vince Academy also offers a range of entrepreneurship and personal development courses led by their key speaker Vincent Nee – The Youngest Influential Figure in Malaysia’s Property Industry.



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Vince Academy


The e-learning platform (Go Learn) stands on new revelation and and intervention by Vince Academy. With access to online learning,  resources and instruction, people from all over the world can gain skills and transform their lives in meaningful ways.

Everyone can learn everywhere, at any time, without a hassle and uncover ways create their own wealth through investing.

嗨,大家好。今天想和大家分享的书叫做《5W1H 经典思考法》。 当你和别人沟通时或做计划时有没有遇过以下的问题: 1.说服不到别人照着我们的思维去做 2.构思不到好的点子 3.不知道问题出在哪里 4.每次都不能很好解决遇到的问题 本书将引导你做出最正确的选择和教会你该如何思考去解决问题!
嗨,大家好。今天想和大家分享的书叫做《驾驭金钱》。 当我们讲到钱的时候你有没有遇过以下的问题: 1.为什么我很努力但是并不富有呢? 2.金钱到底是怎么去运作的? 3.我应该怎样做才能比现在更加富有呢?

Vince Academy

Privileges Program

Property Deals

Exclusive property deals that are below market value and with high cash rebates, only open to our members.

Business Deals

Business opportunities open for the members to invest.

Investment Deals

FIx Deposit investment program with high annual interest returns for members.

Telegram Group

Interactive platform for members to voice out their questions. An opportunity for networking, discussions and for our team to provide any support that members might need.


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